Wednesday 16 February 2011

saturday and plans

Last weekend was crazy! First time in my life I've managed to lose my cell phone in a club!!! Don't remember how and when exactly...For half an hour I was looking for it everywhere, but... nothing! I guess I lost it, because everithing else was still at its own place. The phone was cheap and not very new....but I lost all the contacts,  all the texts, photos, music....:( Sad-sad-sad. Well, the club part was the last one on Saturday night:)
Before that we went to the cuban restaraunt with friends, had a lot of fun and ate a really delicious food:) Thanks Nastya for the photos again:) Then we went to the house party at french guys' flat, spent several hours there and I really enjoyed it.

Also my Chinese classes will start next Friday! It was a long break in my studies, practically half of a year.... now I have to revise everything in a week!
Yesterday I applied for participation in a very interesting project! Hope everything will work out! If so, I get a lot of new important connections, experience and some money :) When everything will start officially, I'll tell you all about it!



Angela said...

dommage que tu a perdu le mobile...mais ton week-end etait super!!!!;)

Angela Donava

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